HAPPY EASTER everyone in these extremely strange times we’re experiencing
HERE is a little video to share with you all,
I’LL LOVE YOU FOREVER , which I wrote a few years ago.
It’s a first time ever for me ( recording my own piece on a video and playing it myself on the piano ) .. and as I explain I’ve been very much encouraged by a lot of people to just get on and do it!
I tried first to do one on my I phone which didn’t turn out too well! This inspired my husband Richard to get involved and he’s been amazing finding ways to improve it.
This is his first attempt and he says he will hopefully get better as he does more…..!
N.B. We couldn’t believe our luck when a beautiful BARN OWL decided to make a guest appearance as Richard was filming. So exciting, couldn’t have asked for more!
We’re hoping to make some more very soon.
PLEASE SHARE if you feel inclined to anyone who you think would enjoy them.
Take care:)